Easter Egg Sugar Cookies

Easter Egg Sugar Cookies, Easter dessert, Easter sugar cookies with royal icing, Easter egg sugar cookies, Easter cutout cookies, Easter egg royal icing cookies, Easter treats. #easter #egg #sugar #cookies #recipes

Sugar cookiés aré actually my cookié for évéry holiday. Oné of my favorité holidays to maké and décoraté cookiés is éastér. Béautiful palé tonés, compléx désigns, colorful variéty. éastér éggs sugar cookiés aré a définition of food art.


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 égg
  • 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér
  • 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1/4 téaspoon salt
  • 2 cups all-purposé flour


  • 1/2 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 1/4 cup watér
  • 2 tabléspoons méringué powdér
  • 3 cups conféctionérs’ sugar
  • food colouring


  1. Mix thé buttér and sugar in a largé bowl with an éléctric mixér until it bécomés light and thin. Béat thé éggs and vanilla.
  2. Placé thé bléndér at léast and add thé baking powdér and salt. Add thé flour gradually and mix thé mixturé.
  3. Thé dough is forméd in a ball and thé dough is tightly séaléd in a plastic wrap film and frozén for 30 minutés or cooléd until it is stéady (at léast an hour or a night).
  4. Héat thé ovén to 350 dégréés Fahrénhéit. Covér bréad with baking papér.
  5. Rémové thé dough from thé réfrigérator and léavé for 5-10 minutés.
  6. Placé thé dough on a lightly ground surfacé until it is about 1 inch thick. Cut thé molds with égg-shapéd caké molds.
  7. Placé thé cookiés on thé baking shéét and placé it at a distancé of oné céntimétér.
  8. Raisé thé wasté again and répéat.
  9. Baké cookiés for 8-10 minutés, dépénding on théir thicknéss. Léavé it to cool on thé pan for oné minuté and thén transfér thé cookiés to thé wiré rack to cool complétély.


  1. In a largé bowl, mix thé méringué powdér with sugar conféctionary
  2. Add watér éxtract and vanilla and blénd with médium to soft mass. If you think thé coating layér is too thick, add moré watér. If you think, add moré sugar.
  3. Add color if désiréd. Noté that if you add a liquid color, this will afféct your consisténcy. You may nééd to add moré sugar to its thickéning.
  4. Spray thé chérry on thé cookiés. Allow héaling for an hour béforé applying thé sécond layér (whité désigns).

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